Sidewalk Reconstruction
This project evaluates all the existing sidewalks in St. George Place.
The evaluation considers and identifies deficient sidewalks and locations for upgrades to meet current City of Houston standards for pavement condition, width, slope / drainage and other factors.
Proposed improvements will be developed from a prioritized list of locations where deficiencies and needs are the greatest.
The initial sidewalk replacement may start in late 2019 or early 2020.

Chimney Rock Road Reconstruction
This project is a complete reconstruction of the street and sidewalk pavement within the public Rights-Of-Way and also includes drainage improvements.
The project will be phased, with the first phase segment extending from I-69 to Richmond Avenue and the second phase from Richmond Avenue to Westheimer Road.
Drainage improvements will include large box culverts under the new roadway to store storm water during major rain events in St. George Place.
The first phase of the project may start construction in 2020 with the second phase to be determined.

W142 Drainage Tributary Improvements
This Harris County Flood Control facility is presently a concrete-lined, open drainage channel located in St. George Place between Windswept Lane and Westheimer Road a few block east of Hillcroft Street.
The project proposes to enhance local drainage and local mobility by making improvements to W142.
The channel will be covered and contained in large concrete box culverts, and a roadway constructed on top with sidewalks and landscaping.
Design of the project may start in 2019. Timing of construction is still to be determined.

Regional Drainage Tunnel Study
As part of the Post-Harvey Recovery Program in Harris County, St. George Place is working with regional partners including the Harris County Flood Control District and the City of Houston on beneficial drainage improvements in its area.
This project is studying the feasibility of deep, underground tunnels to convey drainage to remote receiving streams such as Buffalo Bayou that will contribute to keeping the St. George Place better drained during major rain events.
The feasibility study will be completed in 2020 and include recommendations for specific project improvements to follow.

Anderson Park Improvements
The only City-owned Park in St. George Place, 7-acre Anderson Park is an under-utilized but precious green space in a fast changing area of the City.
This project is reviewing options for improvements that will expand the Park’s attractiveness to local park users, in particular hearing from local residents about how they use the Park and what amenities would attract them to have even greater use and enjoyment.

Richmond Avenue Beautification
St. George is building off earlier landscape and sidewalk improvements on Richmond Avenue from South Rice Avenue to Chimney Rock Road.
The next phase of beautification are improvements to the medians between South Rice and Chimney Rock that will restore and upgrade this existing green space with ground covers and mature trees.
Future improvements to Richmond and its medians will extend west to Hillcroft Street.
The next phase of improvements will be constructed in late 2019 / early 2020.

Public Art Program
This project will bring “Art to St. George Place”.
The initial installation concept calls for a number of custom sculptures on Richmond Avenue to be temporarily placed in its wide medians.
Each art piece will be specially curated for this project, be the creation of a local Houston artist and be for sale.
The Art Program will be in partnership with the City of Houston and be rotating through nine month periods (i.e. each period will bring new art pieces to St. George Place).

Vision Outlook
The newly annexed area by St. George Place is a vast, vibrant and dynamic urban district with a storied history and a future that captures the imagination with “what if..?”
This planning initiative seeks to decode the complexity and characteristics of the area in order to understand its special qualities and help answer: which assets and qualities must be preserved, which should be amplified, and which could or should change.
As inputs to capital projects planning, this initiative will be on-going.